Article - May 99
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AEE Seminar
Prepared by Ken Sinclair, Sinclair Energy Services Ltd


Using DDC Systems Effectively to Improve Building Performance

Sinclair Energy Services Ltd

The main function of the company has been one of providing energy conservation expertise to all levels of government, universities and hospitals.

AEE Seminar - Using DDC Systems Effectively to Improve Building Performance
(30 minute presentation with questions)

1. For the DDC tool to be effective it must be simple to use and self teaching, and lead operators to improved building performance.

2. Achieving and maintaining implied simplicity through good graphic standards.

3. Using trend graphs effectively to identify successes and failures.

4. Using a trend of the energy bell curve as an optimization tool.

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5. Wringing savings out of the bell curve.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]6. Output oriented approaches.

7. Summary

Ken Sinclair, ESI Enviromation Services Inc/Sinclair Energy Services Ltd Tel: (250) 656-5378 Fax: 656-2394 E-Mail: 

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