We need your help to build an internet resource for the automation industry. Please email us your views in the form of an article, complete with pictures. After all ...what is a magazine without pictures? |
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Our April 2000 update includes lots of new web site features.
Contractor Corner is a resource page developed just for the people that install and maintain Automated Buildings. This new space will allow a virtual community of Control Contractors to interact and get quick access to the rapidly changing Automation Industry. Please advise your contractors of this resource and suggest how we can make it better. ContractorCorner@automatedbuildings.com
We have entered into a co-branding agreement with AEE Seminar and Books. Check out this new service.
We welcome our four new sponsors Echelon, Coactive, Strategic Resource Solutions and ControlShop. Please check out their sites as our sponsors allow us to bring this online magazine and resource to you free.
We are assembling an index with dynamic linking to all industry e-com sites to be part of our May issue. Please advise us of any electronic commerce sites you are aware of. e-com@automatedbuildings.com
Our March site traffic has increased approximately 25% over February Thanks for your help getting us known in the industry.
April's update has new links, press releases, new products and news briefs. See the two new categories in the Link Library - Flow & Pressure Measurement, and Health & Safety - IAQ.
Industry support of our March theme, plus the information and contacts gathered at the AHR show in Dallas has produced an extremely informative issue. Check out the 15 Articles, New Products, and News/Press Releases to review what experts from our industry are saying is now available for Automated Buildings.
There is an excitement in the air which is "growing" our industry at a record rate. The number of automation companies are multiplying by dividing traditional companies and introducing many new players with new skill sets. Traditional companies are constantly reinventing themselves to stay competitive with the upstarts. Teams of new and old players are being assembled to provide never achieved before levels of automation integration. The new rules for our industry are the same as they are for the Internet, "There are no rules." If we perceive we need rules and structure for a project our team will build them to suit. We will reshape our teams to provide the necessary winning solutions. It is the best of times for those promoting change. It is the worst of time for those trying to maintain traditional markets. Communication in a resource and therefore it is more important than ever to keep emails, articles, press releases, and new product information rolling into AutomatedBuildings.com so that we can do our job of keeping you informed. Ken Sinclair, Editor
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Training Schedule under the Resources Tab has evolved to a list of System Training Links that will help you and your new players get up to speed quickly. We continuously update as new sources are discovered. If you know of on line training which should be added please send an email stating the URL.
A review of yet another acronym OSGi has been added to our Link Library resource Acronyms & Definitions. This section has been added to help you keep current with all the annoying acronyms that we must all learn to understand our future. Please send us more as you find them.
Have you tried our new feature the Site Search Engine? Give it a try, it's fun and you will find lots of neat articles and links on our site. Looking for articles by Hartman? Type in Hartman and hit start. Click on articles or reviews you want to view. If you wish to search the actual matched document for a keyword use the Find Function on your browser, usually "Ctrl F". Use our search feature to see if you are linked to us, and where.
For March there are new links in our Link Library and Software Library. Check them out.
A special thanks to our new and ongoing advertisers. These companies make our web resource and Ezine possible so be sure to click on their banner/showcase ads under Products and become familiar with their services. As with any good trade magazine the advertising is much of the total content and message conveyed. Please feedback your thoughts as well as the kind of information you would like to see in this internet resource. Help us get known to the world by telling a friend or colleague.
As you can see we have been busy responding to your requests and look forward to continuing to shape AutomatedBuilding.com into your Internet Automation Resource.
Our next issue of
is May 1st, 2000, and it will include a review of our
new "Control Contractors Corner" a virtual community previewing on our
site in April. Our theme for the issue will be "Our Web
Communities" however, as usual we are always looking for any good industry
articles. Please get your articles in early. Send
to news@automatedbuildings.com.
In our January/February issue we had lots of great articles -
that were very close in total reads. The top reads were:
Control: An Essay on Change - Tom Hartman
Open Control Systems: The Market Has Spoken - Michael R.
BACnet, and Building Control - Steve Tom
BacNet and
LonTalk: Why We Need Them Both - Mark
Medium for the Millennium is Fiber for Building Automation - Brian
D. Morrison
But Tom's Hartman's article was the actual winner by only by a few reads.
Previous Favorites is where we add the article
most viewed in the previous issue.
- January/February's issue favorite was Tom Hartman's
Control: An Essay on Change
- November/December's issue favorite was
Are Automated Buildings
Converging or Colliding with the Internet?
- September/October's issue favorite was Notifact
Combining Wireless
Technology and Internet -- Seamlessly
- July/August's issue was Tom Hartman's great article
prepared for our official launch.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]We are also always upgrading our Events Calendar so take a look.
This is not just a spectator sport, please send your articles, new releases and new product information to us. Click here to see article format. If you are pushed for time send us an email and we will format your message to the industry and your clients. Take a look at our When Automation Becomes Art an article which originally was an email.
Johnson Controls and Simplex Announce Alliance
45,000 HVACR Professionals Set Attendance Record at AHR Expo
LONMARK® Devices Come Together to Demonstrate Interoperable Building Controls at 2000 AHR EXPO
AutomatedBuildings.com unique users were up 60% for Jan/Feb; average readers session length was 15 minutes and a return of 2.2 times; overall article reads were the highest ever.
News Releases (Updated April 1/00)
Johnson Controls Dedicates Brengel Technology Center; High-Tech Showcase in Downtown Milwaukee
New Products: (Updated April 1/00)
New Products: Vaisala's - GMT220 Transmitter Series / Lochinvar - Intelli-Fin / TSI - PRESSURA / TSI - Q-STAT / GEMS - Silver Bullet Liquid Level Sensor
News Releases (March/00)
Sontay Launches New Cost Effective Speed Controllers for HVAC Applications
Harwood International to Utilize Echelon's LONWORKS® Networks in Next "Smart Building"
[an error occurred while processing this directive]New Products: (March/00)
New Products: Reko-Electronic - sun protection control; LON Sensorunit - Type SE-B II; CeTeLaB - Multi-function intrusion detectors reduce installation costs; EIRIS™, ELPAS Infra-Red Identification and Search Systems; Onset Computer Corporation Announces Affordable Temperature Loggers Accept J, K or T Thermocouples; XCI Corporation (XCI) introduced the XC-LAN232 10BaseT TCP/IP Add-On Network Adapter
The Benefits of Ethernet to Building Automation - Ethernet is the information connectivity utility, and this makes Ethernet running TCP/IP the protocol to bet on for open systems going forward. John Petze, Andover Controls Corporation
Echelon - Bringing the Internet To Life - Summation of Echelon's Press Conference presentation at AHR 2000. Bea Yormark, Echelon
Why Standards Matter - And Why It's Taking Our Industry So Long to Implement Them Terry Hoffmann, Johnson Controls Inc
Isole Controls Plug Load Costs for 3Com - "From our experience, it seems clear that every company should consider occupancy-based control of their plug loads for increased energy savings," Rita A. Renner, The Watt Stopper Inc.
eDUCATION for Facility Performance - Smart systems plus smart people result in smarter facility operations. Chuck Miles, Johnson Controls Institute
Tools for Commissioning and Building Tune-Ups - System-wide performance monitoring offers a more powerful, scientific approach to building system analysis. Tracy M. Phillips, Architectural Energy Corporation
Sun Protection via LonMark Technology ......in the long run, resources are saved as the well-being and productivity of the employees are increased. Petra Sauer, REKO Electronic
GadgetStackTM Multi-platform LonTalkTM Protocol Stack - Because the stack is not limited by the size of Neuron chip’s memory map, developers are able to tailor node memory requirements to their needs. Bart Boggess, Adept Systems Inc
Putting Together the Ideal Networked Facilities Monitoring and Control System - ...the future of facility management is clear: it’s putting buildings online. Gerry Lands, EnFlex Corporation
Bank of America, Seattle, Wa - Today, the Bank of America Tower is being upgraded to Alerton's native BACnet compliant product line, BACtalk. Melinda Bartee, Alerton Technologies, Inc.
Take Off The Handcuffs - With BACnet based systems a customer has the capability to expand or add to the system with products from different control companies. David G. Zavetsky, Building Control Technologies
March's Product, Software and Web Site Reviews
Open Services
Gateway Initiative (OSGi) is an industry group working to define and promote
an open standard for
connecting the coming generation of smart consumer and
small business appliances with commercial Internet services. The Open Services Gateway
specification will provide a common foundation for Internet Service Providers,
network operators and equipment manufacturers to deliver a wide range of
e-services via gateway servers running in the home or remote office.
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