The Automator - News, articles and reviews for the Building Automation Industry.
Building Automation IS IT

IT - Information Technology

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News, articles and reviews for the Building Automation Industry. 

Protocol wars rage on and our new interview section seems to provide the vehicle for industry leaders to quickly share their views with us.  This information plus our current and archived articles will help answer your questions about protocol evolution.

What do We Mean by Open Systems?  Rand Arnold, President ControlShop 
TCP/IP Protocol - The Real Contender?  Rehan Kamal, IT Strategist, Computrols 
Industry Restructuring  
Kevin Lynch, Executive Director, LONMARK® Interoperability Association

Our article with top number of reads for July was Web Based Control Systems The Devil is in the Details by Steve Tom, AutomatedLogic.

Entering Our Third Year TitleAs we move into the third year of our online resource and our Ezine "The Automator" we reflect on our growth and the tremendous industry support. We are pleased to be evolving into your Automated Building Industry resource, providing news and information services. We cannot overly express our thanks to our advertisers/sponsors without whose support we would not be. 

Our July Issue is full of IT with articles about our industry's rapid transition and convergence with the Information Technology plus good resource articles on IAQ, and Adjustable Speed Motor Drives. Be sure to check out the review of The Building Control Group of the UK web site with a Free 94 page pdf Control Sensor Installation Pocket Book. Not quite sure how one gets a pdf in one's pocket maybe on a PDA? but it is a great international automation resource.

Check out our new look - more white space to ease those tired eyes.

Interviews section added. Read what industry experts are saying about current automation issues. If you would like to be part of this new interactive media contact us.

Automated Building Systems eDucation  The rapid changing Automated Building industry has always required that all players be constantly re-educating themselves to keep current, but never has there been a time when this is so important. 

Industry advertising/sponsorship is an important part of overall content as it allows us to provide our services free. To keep our Global Automation presence very focused,  we approach only industry building automation players as sponsors and advertisers. In this way we eliminate the amount of non-related information presented to you. The Business to Business or B2B within the Building Automation Industry that occurs on our web site is becoming as important to our industry presence as "The Large Building Automation Online Resource".  Please welcome our newest sponsors.

Computrols is a manufacturer of Building Automation Controls and BAS software. They specialize in Simple yet powerful Automation Software and Electronic Controls. Their latest line of controllers and BAS are completely compatible with Internet Technologies. Computrols can be reached at or through their website

FieldServer Technologies protocol translator and Ethernet gateway provides the interoperability demanded by building operators. Extensive driver library for fire alarm panels, chillers, boilers, BAS, and more.

Contemporary Controls - Grown from a small systems integrator to becoming one of the leaders in embedded networking technology, the company's products include network interface modules, wiring hubs, repeaters, bridges, routers, gateways and analyzers utilizing ARCNET and Industrial Ethernet technology. These are technologies recognized by the BACnet standard.

Precidia Technologies  Your TCP/IP conversion solution specialist. Precidia Technologies offers remote access devices which connect RS232, RS422 or RS485 devices to IP networks via Ethernet. Easily access and monitor HVAC control, alarm and other automation information in real time with Precidia.

Are you having trouble keeping up with the evolving Network & Internet Standards?  We have created a section that has linkage to over 25 communication standards. Our Summary of New Industry Links allows you to quickly view who is new and happening.  Looking for a job? or help for your company to grow? Dealers? checkout our free Want Ad Section

Do you have any articles and/or products that fit well with our next themes? 

Sept 2001 theme will be "Industry Restructuring" and how our industry is restructuring in the new World. 

Nov 2001 theme will be "Making Sense of Sensors" Radical changes are occurring in the mediums we now sense and how we sense them as well as how we use this new information.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]'s purpose is to connect our readers with timely and new information on any Buildings Automation subject, so as always we are interested in any of your articles, news, new products.

Check out the articles by our Contributing Editors Thomas HartmanJohn J "Jack" Mc Gowan, Leonard A. Damiano and Me

Be sure to check out this month's articles, new products and news releases. Our Reader Profile outlines who reads 

Previous Favorites is where we add the article most viewed in the previous issues.

May/June issue favorite was
Ken Sinclair,
11 Revolutionary Automation Trends in Large Buildings, 
March/April issue favorite was
Tracy Markie, Engenuity Systems Seamless Connectivity
January/February issue favorite was 
John J. "Jack" McGowan, CEM  Energy Control Inc. DDC's Future 1-01

This is not just a spectator sport, please send your articles, new releases and new product information to us.
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