April 2013

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Our AutomatedBuildings.com Linkedin Group goes Open

Ken Sinclair, Publisher

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Our Online Linkedin group now has over 1935 members and is extremley active with industry leaders discussions.

We recently changed our Linkedin group AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum to an open group which caused all discussions before that date to be archived plus they could only be seen by original members of group.

This caused us to repost some of the original discussions as obviously folks were not finished discussing them.

Steve Jones • It is going to be a bit of a trick to reconstitute this discussion and not lose the context set up by the order of postings. Here is a summary message that I provided that might now help to set the stage for the areas I'd like to include in the discussion.

Steve Jones • Thank you all for this great dialog. I think we are all learning something through the process. Let me add some additional thoughts to my original post. I see several distinct areas that need to be addressed to make cloud services successful.

The discussion has over 82 interaction at time of creating this link.

I am amazed at the life of its own this Linkedin group has taken on with great discussions. It has become a feedstock for our Magazine letting us find passionate people in our industry and helps our regular writers get feed back for their next article or interview.

It is the place to interact with the magazine in real time.

We also have a place where you can post and find jobs on this group. If you have not yet discovered this side of AutomatedBuildings.com, please join us on Linkedin AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum

We are very pleased that the industry is using our group to ask questions of the industry and gather information.

I received this email from Steve Jones to further increase interest in his discussion can you help?

Good Morning Ken,

I’ve been sending a series of eMails out to people who I know in the industry to try to get them involved in the discussion. See below. I don’t have good contacts with the cloud based service providers. Do you have any contacts who you could invite to join the discussion? Obviously, John is doing a great job at representing SkySpark. But, who else is out there?

I’d like to invite you to join in on a discussion that I started in the automatedbuildings.com Group titled Legacy Building Automation Systems Integration to the cloud. Here is a link that will take you directly to that discussion. See http://lnkd.in/dKJ9k3. As the discussion evolved I realized that I narrowed the scope of the discussion too far with the original title and that we really needed to look at Publishing Building Automation Systems Data to cloud based services, in general.

We have been receiving frequent requests for our S4 Open Appliances to act as an on-site agent for cloud-based services and I am trying to determine if there is a defacto, or formal, standard for delivering building configuration information and data to a cloud-based service. If not, are there best practices evolving that might eventually lead to standards in this area?

Thank you in advance for any ideas or comments that you can add to the discussion.


Lots of great resources and links like this - Toby's link to NREL report on Current Data Exchange Practices for Building Systems: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy11osti/50073.pdf

This post from Toby;

oBIX has developed a roadmap for enterpise services

Stephen asked me to bring this discussion to the Automated Buildings forum.

We have developed a map to higher level Enterprise Services in the oBIX Technical Committee. I placed an earlier version of this roadmap in the March edition of the online magazine (http://www.automatedbuildings.com/news/mar13/columns/130301111808considine.html).

[an error occurred while processing this directive]The big issues I see are:

1) How do we align the internet of things with the internet of people? To me, this is primarily a problem of scheduling. When I schedule a meeting, I ask you to be at a certain place, on-line, at a certain time. If you were a building, I would need to tell you to be sure to put on pants, to walk the dog before you leave, to allow a half hour of drive-time, etc. This is because buildings talk process rather than performance. We need to teach the internet of things to talk in terms of performance

2) Energy use and purchase: history, projection, contracted, proposed. This requires both simplifying Green Button and extending it. As Energy Use is a significant effect of all building processes, better, more accessible, ways to communicate energy use are needed.

3) How do we understand what service is being requested, and what is being done. In buildings, this is fundamentally a question of space, for business occurs in space and tenants inhabit space. Our best descriptions of space are in Building Information Models (BIM).

4) Security. Security is too often a restriction of access—this is a misunderstanding. We could secure all systems completely in this sense by cutting off access. Security is properly understood as the enabler of access. With proper security, one can share access with more people and more roles. (See “Bouncer or Prison Guard?”, http://www.newdaedalus.com/articles/bouncer-or-prison-guard.html). Can we compose security standards for building systems that open up access?

Work Plan for oBIX 2.0 - The New Daedalus - New Daedalus newdaedalus.com

Some of you know that the oBIX Committee (open Building Information Exchange) is meeting again. Thanks...


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