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Our reinvention allows us to enable our editors to have their own space writing directly to the new website empowering our existing editors and allowing us to add new editors to share their thoughts

Welcome our newest Contributing Editor

David Sciarrino

President at Source IoT, LLC and Co-Chair of the Smart Buildings Workgroup at the LoRa Alliance. David Sciarrino has been a technology pioneer in the Smart Infrastructure space for over 20 years. He is passionate about driving new technologies to the market that generate positive business outcomes for contractors, building owners, managers, and occupants. As a thought leader, he challenges the industry to accelerate the adoption of new technologies that provide measurable and sustained business results for stakeholders at all levels. Throughout his career, he has worked with and developed leading-edge Proptech, IoT, and Smart Building solutions at large organizations including Siemens, Johnson Controls, and Renesas Electronics. Email: Linkedin: Websiste:

Our present contributing editors have been the backbone of our publication providing their influence on the evolution and the shape of the industry

Industry’ icons like  Thomas Hartman, P.E. & Paul Ehrlich, PE, and Jim Sinopoli PE, took the time to change the industry and aid in the creation of industry with their powerful thoughts in articles still online. 

Sudha Jamthe wrote

I’ve joined ‘Automated Buildings magazine as a contributing editor simply to be part of Ken Sinclair’s fun editorial team that gets me thinking out of the box about how Automated buildings are on a collision path with autonomous vehicles. Vehicles move us between static buildings. What happens when buildings and cars have AI and they can go in context with us blurring the concept of office space, entertainment space, and living space as the car drives autonomously? Read Ken’s article in Contractor Magazine about getting out of your head. It includes my definition of open which as Ken quotes well, “Out of our physical heads and into our artificially intelligent virtual heads.” where I make the connection between IoT and AI as two definitions of AI.

Want to join our editorial team? send me an email expressing your desire along with your first article or interview or link to your existing ones on our website. 
