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Following the HTML to AHR Expo Atlanta

Nov. 10, 2022
We can link to anything in this new meta-world we wish to communicate to our audience. Yet we still think and work as if we still live in a paper world. Ken Sinclair

The underpinning of all communication today is Hypertext Mark Up Language or HTML. This is the raw data representation of our communications and is sent from my cloud to your cloud. It is interpreted by your device and converted into the written word with graphic depictions and powerful links to an evolving metaverse. We can link to anything in this new meta-world we wish to communicate to our audience. Yet we still think and work as if we still live in a paper world. We need to start thinking and doing everything in HTML. We need to close the conversion gaps in our communications. Gaps between our devices/phones and the creation of HTML presentation.

I am pleased that our Reinvention has us a step closer to this by having our sponsors and contributing editors post their articles and links to their resources in HTML.

Pointed at an HTML editor as I speak into my phone to write these words my phone converts my words into HTML. No paper is used, and no paper thinking occurs.

In the last few months, our sponsors and contributing editors have been focused on creating and confirming speakers for our Free Education Sessions at the upcoming AHR Expo.

We are extremely pleased with our Free Education Sessions for Atlanta and how it was created by several folks working on this actual document online—which is now a living document with speakers and information being updated daily. Our contributing editors and our sponsors have created this very diverse program of which we are very proud.

This search returns all our sessions on AHRExpo website. Their HTML, Their Cloud.

A search of one of our sponsors, BACnet, provides these additional educational sessions.

There is a lot going on in Atlanta, with over 85 free educational programs.

View the full education schedule

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From this post, The Journey to Near Realtime HTML Presentation:

Working in HTML is not new. I have been an HTML zealot since ever from my article from 1998,

I have been using HTML as my communication medium for almost 25 years and have seen consistent improvements in the ease of use of WYSIWYG HTML editors. So I am excited about creating the context of our industry in machine-readable HTML posts on our website and social media. We encourage everyone to do the same we need to feed AI with valuable content.

What have we learned in our first month of being online?

For the complete article
