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Great Monday Live!, Presentation that focuses on working collaboratively to secure BACnet systems

The discussion was led by  James Lee with guests Carol Lomonaco from Johnson Controls and Keith Corbett from Cimetrics.

Presentation is on or LinkedIn Post

Be sure to watch this YouTube it will prepare you for this session at Atlanta

1:15 pm to 2:45 pm – BACnet/SC as a Foundation for Secure & Interoperable BAS Cybersecurity

Host: Jim Lee, Cimetrics
Panelists from Distech | Carol Lomonaco, JCI | Ken Gilbert, ALC

As BAS vendors start to deploy BACnet/SC products in the field, practitioners are beginning to understand the benefits and challenges of installing this promising technology. This session will present the field’s learnings to date and discuss how BACnet/SC must be viewed as a stepping-stone and critical foundation for the future of fully managed, interoperable, and secure BACnet-based BAS networks and systems.
