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Pt.2 of the Young Professionals Summer Series!

Check out the first half of a paired event based on AI and how they correlate to buildings. The Young Professionals are hosting a Summer Series that will bring special guests to speak on specific topics such as AI and how it correlates to buildings in two parts. The first half consists of the guest speakers teaching on that specific topic and the second half is an interactive discussion to talk about what was previously taught.

We would like to give a special thanks to Mike McKenna and Keith Gipson for hosting the first half of the AI talk, and we look forward to hearing more from you today in the event’s second half!

Watch the first AI portion here:

Register now and join the discussion!

Register now and take place in an interactive discussion based on Mike McKenna and Keith Gipson’s teachings in the first half of this event and any questions or comments that you or anyone may have on this subject.

Even if you weren’t there for the first session please don’t hessite to join this one. We look forward to the intriguing conversation ahead!
