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Industry Metamorphosis

The agenda for is now online… we are hard at confirming speakers. Constantly Updated: Check latest

Smart Building Collective | Certification It’s not about the data. It’s what we do with it that matters. How smart is your building? Hopefully it is to improve, optimize, and innovateAmsterdam

Smart Buildings Show aims to connect visitors to the latest information and technology in the smart buildings industry London

Help Celebrate Our 25th Anniversary    3D Fly over our first 20  

Watch this week’s Monday Live! Discussion with Glen Allmendinger from Harbor Research on the move from Systems to Systems-of-Systems.

Agenda for now online… we are hard at confirming speakers

First 20 years of 25 anniversary  Our AB blur in a video using Loom video messaging tool

Watch this week’s Monday LIve! Discussion on the future of smarter buildings as part of the Industry Metamorphosis of the BAS market.

Discussion about the evolution of the distribution channel. We looked at how the market has evolved in the UK for insights into likely evolution in North America. Thank you, Roger Woodward, for a great presentation and insights.

Watch this week’s Monday Live! Discussing the “edge” in the context of cloud-native. The presentation made in this show explains how the IBB works to orchestrate the edge with cloud resources using cloud-native principles.

We discussed how the BAS industry will likely change in light of the significantly changing landscape of commercial real estate in September.
