June 2009


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Olcay UngunEMAIL INTERVIEW - Olcay Ungun & Ken Sinclair

Olcay Ungun is currently leading the Open ADR Collaborative initiative with support from Demand Response Research Center. He is a partner and board member at Entek Controls, a custom electronics design and manufacturing company. Mr Ungun has held several marketing positions at Raychem Corporation and later at JDS Uniphase SDL division in the United States and in France. Mr. Ungun has a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and attended Harvard Business School Strategic Marketing program.




OpenADR Collaborative

The goal of the Collaborative is to foster effective deployment of Dynamic Pricing, Demand Response and Grid Reliability by facilitating and accelerating the adoption of OpenADR. 

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Sinclair:  What is the OpenADR Collaborative’s mission?

Ungun:  An Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) outreach collaborative is in the early stages of being formed. The goal of the Collaborative is to foster effective deployment of Dynamic Pricing, Demand Response and Grid Reliability by facilitating and accelerating the adoption of OpenADR.

Sinclair:  Please give us some background about Automated Demand Response. 

Ungun:  In point form:

  • OpenADR is an important component of the Smart Grid initiative that delivers dynamic price and reliability signals in a standardized communications data model between the Utilities and Independent System Operators (ISO’s) and the energy management systems within the facilities.

  • Automation of Demand Response (DR) programs has proven to be an effective means of obtaining more reliable and consistently higher performing electric load shifts and sheds than using manual techniques.

  • On May 18 U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu included AutoADR among the Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Framework that will help expedite development of a nationwide smart electric power grid. (http://www.energy.gov/news2009/7408.htm)

  • OpenADR was developed at the Demand Response Research Center managed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with funding from the California Energy Commission (CEC) Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program, in collaboration with California Investor Owned Utilities. OpenADR is currently in use by four electric utilities to automate their DR programs and has been adopted by a wide range of building and industrial controls companies. 

Sinclair:  Why is there a need for a Collaborative?  

Ungun:  While a good foundation of technical work has been completed in developing, testing, and deploying OpenADR there is much more that needs to be done to facilitate its wide spread adoption. A deployment strategy needs to address both the utilities or ISO’s that publish OpenADR signals and the facilities that consume them to manage electric loads. Towards that end, we are forming a Collaborative to help various stakeholders participate in automated Dynamic Pricing, Demand Response and Grid Reliability.

Sinclair:  Who should participate in the Collaborative?

Ungun:  The OpenADR Collaborative is open to all interested parties. Any industry, academic, and government entity whose mission is to create information, education, and outreach mechanisms to facilitate and accelerate the use of OpenADR for Dynamic Pricing, Demand response and Grid Reliability should participate in the Collaborative:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sinclair:  What will be some of the activities of the Collaborative?  

Ungun:  Activities being considered include the following:

 Reference Links on OpenADR 


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