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Take a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time.

Today is Monday September 2nd, 2024 – Labor Day! Millions of Americans are off work, thanks to their employers extending this federal holiday to their teams. An entire nation of individuals who got the workday off today are collectively celebrating getting just an extra 8 hours to themselves. That’s how precious our time is, especially on the job. Our app gives users a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time…

Take a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time.

Today is Monday September 2nd, 2024 – Labor Day! Millions of Americans are off work, thanks to their employers extending this federal holiday to their teams. An entire nation of individuals who got the workday off today are collectively celebrating getting just an extra 8 hours to themselves. That’s how precious our time is, especially on the job. Our app gives users a PERMANENT vacation from wasted time…