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AHREXP 2024 | Driving Forces of Change for Smarter Buildings

Session Information: Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM | Room: S401BC

Session Overview

This group is part of the difference makers driving change in the industry, from chat rooms to ASHRAE to joint working groups. In this session, you will learn how their contributions are serving the industry today, as they embrace the wide ranging challenges facing the future of BAS.

David Sciarrino, V.P. Business Development, KTERIO

David Sciarrino is an industry-recognized thought leader, strategic advisor, and consultant in the Smart Building, Proptech, and Intelligent Infrastructure space. At Kterio, David works with clients in all vertical markets to Digitally Transform the way they build, manage and maintain their buildings and real estate portfolios. 

Lenny Joseph, Chief Strategy & Commercialization Officer, Bidtracer

Lenny Joseph is an executive and entrepreneur with over 25 years’ experience in the industry. He is the Global strategy and commercialization leader for Bid Tracer. Bidtracer development began in 2005 and has grown from a sales tool into a sales and project management suite. All development for Bidtracer has been done in-house by our on-staff programmers. All development and support is done in the United States.

Richard McElhinney, V.P. Board of Directors, Project Haystack

As a member of the open source Project Haystack community since its inception and subsequently as a Director and then co-Executive Director of, an open source, 501C trade association focusing on the standardization and technology around semantic modelling and making equipment and devices self-describing, Richard has contributed to numerous aspects of the development of Project Haystack. 

Brian Turner, CEO, Buildings IoT

As the CEO of Buildings IOT, I lead a team of passionate and innovative professionals who are disrupting the way building systems are viewed, maintained, and reported on. With over two decades of experience in building automation, I have worked with some of the largest property owners and facility managers in the world, developing lasting strategies for managing complex integrations and building data.
