
July 2017

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
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Ken Sinclair

July Theme  "Building Health."

Is "Building" a noun or a verb? Yes!, both. "Building Health." is a topic that is going to dominate our future and the activating process of "Building Health" in our buildings is something we all need to do, talk about, and share/communicate with our building occupants, so it becomes the biggest part of the Happiness, Satisfaction, and Productivity puzzle.
We were very pleased with our education session at Realcomm/IBcon in San Diego, "Smart Buildings and WELLNESS – Technology's Role in Healthy Buildings."

If you have not seen the foundational work done by the HEALTHY BUILDINGS A Program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health take a look at this,

The Healthy Buildings Team created the 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building as a standardized, holistic approach to understanding how buildings impact the people inside them. In any indoor space - offices, homes, schools, airplanes - these foundations can be assessed via Health Performance Indicators or HPIs. Derived from the business term Key Performance Indicators, HPIs are metrics that provide insight into how a building is performing.

By tracking HPIs on all 9 Foundations of the built environment, we can discover how to optimize buildings for health. We call this "Buildingomics": the totality of factors in the built environment that influence human health, well-being, and productivity of people who work in those buildings.

How to quantify and communicate Health performance indicators are outlined in this video

Companies are now starting to explore other options on how to qualify and quantify this space this article from India provides their take.

  Digital Blanket enables visibility of building health factors on a real-time basis to its occupants. This includes air quality, temperature, humidity, ventilation, occupancy, noise, security, etc. - Bala Chitoor, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer, FutureIP Labs

Also, take a look at what is happening in Helsinki? This article provides great insight, Overhauling a Work Environment Into The Digital Era  - Patrik Etelävuori, Head of Concepts and Innovations - Facilities, Tieto

I had never heard of a "VP of Wellbeing and People Analytics" a great new title and a strong indicator of the importance of building health in our future.

This new direction Moodmetric, a Smart office tool, which offers a corporate wellbeing service for companies wishing to actively prevent excessive stress within their organizations. The Moodmetric ring and app enable personalized stress data analytics for high-performing individuals who want to learn to balance stress effectively. more insight from this article.

Reconstructing Buildings into Platforms and Services  Nordic Smart Building Convention 2017 - Daphne Tomlinson, Independent Consultant, Tomlinson Business Research

Of course, lighting plays a big part as outlined in this article.

Smart Buildings Follow The Light to Health & Wellbeing  If we all feel more awake during the day and sleep better at night, then we can all be healthier, calmer, more productive and therefore better at our jobs. - James McHale, Managing Director, Memoori.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]All this discussion puts pressure on the building owners & landlords, as corporations start to expect that the wellness factors are aligned with agreements. The space itself actually works as a recruitment tool for attracting and keeping talents.

We have provided connection to resources that will allow you qualify and quantify the value of Building Health as a very important part of the productivity puzzle.

Although our July theme is building health, this issue contains great information and opinions on the IT/OT debate, the new wave of Master System Integrators, Digital Twins and much more.

As always this new issue is full of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting our rapid evolution and journey.

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The news just keeps flowing thru our web-site, and RSS feeds daily, and of course, the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine

As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from June 2017

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