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Charting the Path to Cloud-Native Buildings

Great discussion by all on the agenda for the Smarter Summit. Click on the YouTube below. It starts with discussing how the Cloud-Native Era will be as significant a change as the DDC Era with the creation of new companies and standards. A substantial shift in the marketplace and the creation of Cloud-Native hardware is already embraced by OEMs who want more information from their equipment.

Cybersecurity is greatly improved with the Cloud-Native Era as we have strong examples of control from the likes of AWS, Google and Microsoft.

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Hosts: Rick JustisKennady Gales, and Anto Budiardjo

3:00 Keynote: The Vision Towards Cloud-Native Buildings

Hosts: Glen AllmendingerRick JustisKennady Gales, and Anto Budiardjo

In opening comments, the Summit hosts reflect on how the industry has reached this major digital transformation watershed moment, hailed by some as transformational as the emergence of DDC in the 1970s/80s. Following the inaugural Summit in Atlanta in 2023, industry leaders are taking action to create and deliver interoperable open solutions to be discussed at this Summit. A key concept driving this vision is adopting cloud-native principles and embracing the future of AI/ML to deliver smarter solutions for buildings of all sizes, complexity, and needs.

The hosts will pose a key question: Does this vision present a disruptive force for change or an opportunity for the industry to innovate and grow to deliver more value? Whatever the answer to that question by individual stakeholders, the one clear thing is that the future of Smarter Buildings revolves around collaboration, hence the mantra #smartertogether of the Summit.
